Jumat, 22 Juli 2011


In the old days our ancestors probably many say is impossible because someone can fly, inanimate objects could talk to and someone can communicate in different places but at the same time. Now all the absurdity that has become a reality, humans can fly by plane, television can make a sound and the phone can communicate with anyone and anywhere. That is the fruit of technology.

I never thought whether a current technological capabilities (technology abilities) will be above the human capabilities (human ability)? , So that policies and decisions are determined by the computer for the sake of the independence issue, is it possible? And I always answer the question in my mind is almost always the answer "impossible". But when I see the present reality and compare with the history of our ancestors about the word "impossible" that once immersed in their minds had been destroyed by the reality of technology, I began to rethink, what the right answer for me these strange questions. Until I finally found a following question: "Can an intelligence make another intelligence more intelligent than itself?", The question posed by Ray Kurzweil is an expert in the field of AI (Artificial Intelligence / Artificial Intelligence) in his book "The Age of Spiritual Machines : When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence, "Yes, that question is almost represent my strange question. Ray Kurzweil is asking questions about the year 1999, he answered his own question with the answer "Yes, maybe," then he began to make predictions of events that will come in the future in several stages:

year 2009

A PC for U.S. $ 1000 will be able to perform about 1 trillion calculations per second. The computer will be very small, attached to the clothing and jewelry. Most routine business transaction is between a human and a virtual personality. Phone with its translation the caller and the called can use two different languages​​, will be used widely in the community.

year 2019

A PC seharda U.S. $ 1000 will be equivalent to the computational ability of the human brain. Computers increasingly easy to operate, not visible and stick anywhere. Virtual reality is already in three dimensions. Most interaction with computers is through gestures (gesture) and speech language two-way communication.

year 2029

A PC for U.S. $ 1000 would be equivalent to a thousand computational capabilities of the human brain. The computer is connected directly to the human brain with high-bandwidth connection. Brain transplants performed successfully to improve the perception and interpretation of the audio and visual, memory and reasoning. The computer is able to read all the literature and multimedia material generated by machines and humans. Emerging discussion about the legality of the computer and the human constitution.

year 2049

Foods produced using nano technology into use in general. These foods have good nutritional composition, have the same taste and texture with organic food

year 2072

Picoengineering or technology on the picometer scale or 10-12 meters successfully applied in the real world.

year 2099

There is a strong tendency to make the joint between the human mind with machine intelligence. Most entities do not have a permanent physical presence. Intelligence of the machine-derived models of human intelligence claim to be a human expanded. Much of this intelligence is not tied to a specific computational processing unit. The number of software-based humans far more than humans based natural nerve (carbon).

Some predictions are on the first stage is starting to materialize, for example; HP (phone) already has the same ability with computers. It is possible predictions on the next stage will also be realized, if so and if I may suppose it is my prediction about the events that will occur in the future are:

Government held by the technology. Because the issue of independence and confidence crisis formed a body that tries to apply the system of government under the technology, a country led by one super computer, all executed with a very objective policies indiscriminately.

All human beings do not need to leave home to shop, need only say "I need this / that ..", or even just need to think about it to then be processed immediately by the nearest market.

Popularity of physical currency (in the real world) began to decline and be replaced by electronic transactions / virtual, or even a physical currency, will pass forever!.

All kinds of malicious programs (malware) such as computer viruses will be the most frightening specter for humans, so everyone needs to install a security such as antivirus programs into the chip in their brains.

People know each other and are familiar in the virtual world but does not know in the real world so that everyone is more opaque characteristics.

Gang street gangs are no longer scary, the scariest are the black hat hackers, because at that Hacker is the most frightening creatures as well respected in the community.

Well now the question is, you are ready to face the future like that? "willing umbrella before it rains" is a saying that you should think best, then prepare yourself, Arm yourself with knowledge and technology, or you will be the most miserable creature in the future.

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